Did you know that nearly 50% of consumers have not interacted with a form of AI and another 23% are not sure if they have, based on a recent study by Rockfish? Rockfish recently conducted an online survey to around 1,600 people about Amazon Echo/Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Google Home, or Microsoft Cortana.
Key Findings:
Smartphones Reign For those who do interact with AI, smartphones are overwhelmingly the primary device – 67 percent vs 17 percent using Echo and 5 percent using Google Home. Knowledge is Power More than a third of U.S. consumers cite information consumption – news, weather, stocks – as a primary utility; 21 percent use it for actions, such as texting, reading or calling. Only 5 percent cited shopping tasks.
Convenience is King Forty-four percent of consumers use AI for perceived convenience; nearly half find ease of use most satisfying, but only 7 percent cite breadth of capabilities. You Go Girl The clear majority of consumers (65 percent) prefer AI with a female voice; additionally, 60 percent say they prefer when voice has some personality. Don’t Make Me Repeat Myself More than a third of respondents are frustrated when they are misunderstood and another 20 percent are when they must repeat themselves.
Source: Rockfish Digital